Walnut Canyon National Monument - 10 km E. of Flagstaff, 300 km N. of Phoenix.   Contains remnants of the cliff dwellings of the Sinagua ("without water") people.  Inhabited the area from @ 1150 to 1250 AD taking advantage of natural recesses in the limestone walls of the canyon where flowing water had eroded the soft rock layers creating shallow caves.  Top picture is the entrance to the canyon through the visitors' centre.

Text Box: Walnut Canyon National Monument - 10 km E. of Flagstaff, 300 km N. of Phoenix.   Contains remnants of the cliff dwellings of the Sinagua ("without water") people.  Inhabited the area from @ 1150 to 1250 AD taking advantage of natural recesses in the limestone walls of the canyon where flowing water had eroded the soft rock layers creating shallow caves.  Top picture is the entrance to the canyon through the visitors' centre.




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